An irreverent look at motherhood and family life in a new state of normal.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Daddy Goes to Work

Andy has been working really hard for several weeks. There is always a time when the WHOLE staff if totally overworked and burned out towards the end of the school year. Alumni weekend, Academy Days, Homeshows, Finals, and then Graduation all in a row and nothing we can do about it. But then there is summer and some of us get a break. Until then, Daddy goes to work ALL THE TIME. This morning, Abby had enough. As Andy got ready to go out the door, she wailed, "Abby go work with Daddy!" But she can't. She cried until I bribed her with Clifford. She seems to be doing better now but it's hard to have all those days where she sees him maybe 5 minutes a day. I know this happens to every family but we do get really tired of it after several weeks in a row. Thank goodness Homeshows are over after this weekend.

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