An irreverent look at motherhood and family life in a new state of normal.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Never Clean

I'm almost positive that cleaning is a worthless job. I spent the entire morning cleaning my kitchen Sunday. I moved everything and wiped away all dirt, dust and baby scum. I put away all the things that don't belong there but seem to accumulate there. I organized the pantry cupboard. I did all the dishes and laundry (laundry being a part of the kitchen in my house). I washed the floors and scrubbed the table and the high chair. Today, only one day later, it looks like I never touched it. I'm never going to clean again. We're just going to live in a pigsty.

Ok, I'm not going to do that. You all know better. But today, I'm going to ignore it. I'm going to stay in my PJ's and forget that I have responsibility. We are going to eat Ramon noodles and pretend there is no mess. Tomorrow, I'll get back at it but today, I refuse to deal with this issue.

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